Monday, June 20, 2011

International Go Surfing/Skating Days

June 21 is the summer solstice, or longest day of the year. So what's a better way of celebrating this day, other than doing outdoor activities!
A few of us from Wind&Wave are going to Victoria tomorrow for the contest! We will be posted up under the WindandWave tent, or pushing our way across the park! Come on out to the park if you wish to enter the contest which is FREE!! Tons of free swag is on offer!

And today the 20th is INTL GO SURFING DAY! And luckily, we have waves today in TX!Its waist to chest, wind out of the south, so either bust a drift sesh or hide behind a pair of jetties!

Beautiful Day to be had out there so get on it!!

Photos/video to follow soon..